GABRIELE GIACOMELLI, italian organist and musicologist, graduated in piano and organ with the highest honors from the «L. Cherubini» Conservatory of Firenze, where he studied with Mariella Mochi. He then completed special studies with Stefano Innocenti and took courses in musical interpretation with Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini, Michael Radulescu and Harald Vogel. He earned his baccalaureate degree in the history of music with highest honors at the University of Florence.
He gave concert performances in Europe (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Netherland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden) and America (Peru, Uruguay, USA), invited by associations and istitutions as: Sagra Musicale Umbra, Festival «Organalia» in Turin, Festival «G. Callido» in Venezia, Organ Festival Oudekerk in Amsterdam, Tretjakovskaja Galereja in Moscow, St. Johannes Orgelfestival in Copenhagen, Organ Festival in Storkyrkan (Cattedrale) e in Sankt Jacobskyrkan in Stockholm, Festival M. Leclerc in Sens's Cathedral, Festival des Heures d'Orgue in Chamonix Mont-Blanc, Festival d'Orgue en Flandre, Concerts of the St. Johanniskirke in Altona-Hamburg, Organ Concerts in the Winchester's Cathedral, Organ Concerts in the Ljubljana's Cathedral, Festival Iberomericano de Mùsica Colonial, Festival Internacional de Organo del Uruguay, Festival Internacional de Musica Renacentista y Barroca Americana Misiones de Chiquitos, Festival del Barroco Latinoamericano di Cusco (Perù) etc. His performances had broadcast by several radios and televisions like RAI1, RAI2, RAI3, Tv2000. He recorded a CD (Elegia Records) entitled Domenico Zipoli from the Old World to the New on the ancient organs of his city in which he played the historical organ of the Prato's Cathedral, and a CD (Tactus) entitled Organ Music in Florence from the Medici to Italy's Unification in which he played the historical organs of the San Lorenzo church in Florence (5 stars on «Amadeus», 4 stars on the british review Choir&Organ). Giacomelli is member of the artistic commission of the Accademia di Musica Italiana per Organo di Pistoia and juror in the International Organ Competition Agati-Tronci.
His articles have been published in scholarly journals (Informazione organistica, L'Organo, The Organ Yearbook, Recercare, Il Saggiatore Musicale ...) and in books published by Libreria Editrice Vaticana, LIM, Marsilio, Olschki, Yale University Press ... He has written entries for the dictionary MGG (Bärenreiter) and for the Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (Treccani). He has authored three books: Antonio Squarcialupi e la tradizione organaria in Toscana, (1992); Gli organi di S. Maria del Fiore di Firenze (1993); O flos colende. Musica per Santa Maria del Fiore (1998). He is coauthor with the violinist Salvatore Accardo of the text books Stradivari (Bompiani 2012) and Sulle note di uno Stradivari (Fabbri 2017). Giacomelli is Supervisor of the Italian Culture's Ministry for the restoration of the ancient organs of Florence.
He is artistic director of the musical series: O flos colende. Musica sacra a Firenze, organized by the Florence's Cathedral since 1997, and of the Festival Zipoli promoted by the Commune of Prato since 1998. He is the curator of the Passeggiate Musicali - Itinerari Organistici Fiorentini, whose first edition was organized in 2016 for the Festival del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino.
He teaches History of Music at the «G. B. Martini» Conservatory in Bologna.